مجموعة منتجات ريجين® للرجال على خلفية زرقاء



About REGAINE® & Hair Loss FAQ's

REGAINE® is a scientifically proven treatment to help stop and even reverse hereditary hair loss.4 Having questions is natural, which is why we’ve answered the questions that you ask the most below.


Hair And Lifestyle


1. REGAINE® Foam 5% leaflet.

2. REGAINE® Solution 5% leaflet.

4. REGAINE® SPC – Section 5.1.

15. American Hair Loss Association. (n.d.). Men’s Hair Loss: Causes of Hair Loss. Retrieved May 7, 2020, from https://www.americanhairloss.org/men_hair_loss/causes_of_hair_loss.html.

29. Blumeyer, A., Tosti, A., Messenger, A., Reygagne, P., Del Marmol, V., Spuls, P. I., Trakatelli, M., Finner, A., Kiesewetter, F., Trüeb, R., Rzany, B., Blume-Peytavi, U., & European Dermatology Forum (EDF) (2011). Evidence-based (S3) guideline for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia in women and in men. Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft = Journal of the German Society of Dermatology: JDDG, 9 Suppl 6, S1–S57.

36. Hasanzadeh, H. et al (2016). Efficacy and safety of 5% minoxidil topical foam in male pattern hair loss treatment and patient satisfaction. Acta dermatovenerologica Alpina, Pannonica, et Adriatica, 25(3), 41–44. https://doi.org/10.15570/actaapa.2016.12