Damaged Hair: How to Treat and Repair Them

Split ends are only one aspect of hair damage. In severely damaged hair, the cuticle (outer layer) begins to crack. Your hair is in danger of additional harm and breaking after the cuticle lifts (opens). It may also be challenging to manage and appear dull or frizzy. So, is it possible to transform from coarse, brittle hair to lustrous, silky hair? Sometimes there is no clear-cut solution. Because hair is essentially a collection of dead cells, it is generally impossible to cure hair damage. Time, a pair of shears, and taking action to stop more damage are the only real treatments for damaged hair. Nevertheless, don't lose hope; with good hair maintenance and a few focused treatments, you can start to rebuild the outer cuticle and enhance the appearance and feel of your hair.

Sometimes, it's painfully obvious how you got damaged hair. Your locks can suffer if color, bleach, and style agents are handled incorrectly1. Read on to find out how to stop more harm from occurring while masking your symptoms until you can cut the damaged hair.

How to Repair and Treat Damaged Hair?

1- Hair Dyes2 

The effects of home hair coloring might last longer than just the color. Chemical dyes can quickly turn smooth hair harsh to the touch by removing the natural moisture in your hair.

To minimize damage, experts advise choosing a dye that is no more than three shades different from your original hue and going for deeper rather than lighter shades. Unnatural colors require more frequent touch-ups and maintenance since they are harder to maintain. Also, increased intervals between touch-ups can also lessen the damage. Try to wait at least three months between dyes. 

Moreover, to limit damage, you can opt for a demi- or semi-permanent option. The only way to reverse the effects of treatments that permanently affect hair is to let it grow out and start anew.

Remember to maintain a single hair service at a time. It is ideal to have your hair chemically relaxed, straightened, or permed at least two weeks before your hair color appointment. This allows you a recovery period between treatments for your hair.

2- Hair Bleaching

If you've gone from having dark hair to having light hair, you're undoubtedly all too familiar with the harm bleach can do to your hair.

Each strand of your natural hair color is washed out with bleach. This is accomplished by making your hair swell, which enables the bleach to penetrate the inner portion of the strand. The melanin that gives your hair color dissolves here. This procedure may leave hair brittle, fragile, dry, and porous. Your hair's structural changes over time may also weaken and lose some of its elasticity.

To prevent more harm, avoid bleaching your hair. There is always some hair damage from bleach. It is best to do it less frequently or not at all. If you have to bleach, remember to moisturize your hair. Moisturize your hair especially well and refrain from other harmful practices, including heat style, for a couple of weeks. Also, bleached hair is particularly vulnerable to UV harm, so always wear protection or apply UV protection hair products. 

3- Hair Styling

Heat-assisted styling can damage hair fibers, cause elevated cuticles, and result in porous hair. Your hair may become more vulnerable to damage if you use heat too frequently or at high temperatures4.

Blow dry from a distance to prevent further damage. Holding the blow dryer 15 cm away from your hair and regularly rotating it can help minimize damage. You can also invest in some heat protective gear. These items are designed to protect hair and shield it from split ends.

Consider bringing down the heat, too. The amount of harm you can cause increases with temperature. Regardless of the source, excessive heat can harm your hair. Limit the amount of time hot air, an iron, or a curling iron is in contact with your hair by using the product's lowest heat setting. 

Air drying your hair is a recommended strategy. Dry your hair with a towel only slightly after coming out of the shower. Before letting it hang freely to dry, this will assist remove any additional water. Avoid rubbing your hair with the towel to avoid damage and needless friction. 

Hair needs 

It is important to listen to your hair’s needs. Your hair can be kept healthy and well-maintained by getting regular haircuts. Dry split ends can develop when cuts are spaced too far apart. Additionally, you cannot connect separated ends back together, just like the rest of your strand. To prevent additional harm to your hair, get your dry, damaged ends removed by getting regular haircuts. Also, be kind to your hair and follow appropriate hair care habits with quality in the products that you choose5

In conclusion, it is unfortunate that hair damage cannot be undone. However, by changing your hair care routine and giving your hair some extra attention and love, you can guarantee that hair damage does not worsen with time. 


  1.  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Vivian-Robinson-2/publication/265285712_A_study_of_damaged_hair/links/57d6734408ae601b39aaa9e3/A-study-of-damaged-hair.pdf
  2.  https://www.mdpi.com/2079-9284/2/2/110/pdf

  3.  https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/document?repid=rep1&type=pdf&doi=6168b618e4394b011fb437a6d1940a56a2f5f1b6

  4.  https://synapse.koreamed.org/articles/1045372

  5. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3002407/